

2013 Fosun Pharma Green Office officially launched

In order to meet the national requirements for energy conservation, emphasizing the harmonious development with nature, Fosun Pharma Green Office was launched on Sep. 9th, 2013 aiming at creating environmental low-carbon office space, improving energy management, and gradually promoting the energy saving experience to Fosun Pharma’s subsidiaries.

The Green Offices mainly include: electricity and water conservation, thrifty office, simplified meeting and reception, and low carbon travel.

Fosun Pharma has long-term concern on environmental protection and energy conservation. Our mission is human health, so we are concerned about the living environment. According to international industry environmental standards, Fosun Pharma solves the environmental issue in every stage of manufacturing process. Annually Fosun Pharma contributes considerable human, financial and material resources to environmental protection to protect the earth, realizing harmonious development between human and nature.

After years of exploration, Fosun Pharma has established sophisticated environmental protection budget mechanism and actively developed related public welfare activities, which helps enhance the awareness of environmental responsibility and protection via industry collaboration, production chain and its extension, and community interaction.

EHS Management was also established as a dedicated function to deal with environment management, supervise and guide the subsidiaries to well conduct environment management.

Attachment: Fosun Pharma Green Office Initiatives

Electricity conservation. Conserve lighting electricity. Make full use of natural light in the offices and meeting rooms to reduce power consumption; turn off the lights after duty or when going away from office for a long time; working overtime is not encouraged, use less lights or concentrated space as possible in case of overtime work; save the computer power, use automatic standby mode for longer idle time; use the sleep mode for even longer idle time; do not set the screen saver, set it as none; set the display off time to automatically shut down the display; if the power switch is on after duty, it will stand by for at least 10 hrs overnight, resulting in annual consumption of 36.5 kwh , so turn off both your computer and your power switch after duty; adjust your display brightness appropriately (60 - 75% (180~220 CD/M2)). Excessive brightness will increase power consumption and bad for eyesight; give regular maintenance to the office computers to avoid dust and moisture. Too much dust may affect the cooling efficiency and dust in displays will affect the brightness.

Water conservation. When washing your hands, close the tap when using sanitizer and after using the water; close the tap tightly in case of water running, dropping or leakage, ask property personnel to repair if the tap or tube is broken down; use less sanitizer, detergent and water as possible; take away the bottled mineral water after meeting if any and continue to drink it.

Thrifty office. Use the draft mode to print. When printing informal documents, change the standard mode into draft mode to save ink and power; print small sized fonts as possible to save paper and power; when more than two copies are needed, it is better to print one and then copy it; make full use of E-office system to distribute general notices and materials to reduce paper consumption (copying) and fax. Use email instead of paper documents; copy and print by double sided, single side printed paper may be reused or cut into note paper or draft paper; use office clip and staple pin instead of benzene solvent products such as glue and correction fluid; avoid disposable supplies, use refillable fountain pen, ball point pen and pen; the employee uses his own cup and the disposable cups are for clients only; dry your hands with only one sheet of tissue after washing your hands.

Streamline meeting and reception. Streamline the meeting, control the number of meetings, compress the time and scale, and encourage short meeting; arrange the venue and related matters for necessary meetings in a saving and efficient manner; reduce cost and avoid extravagance and waste; for internal meeting, the employees should use their own cups; set your cell phone as mute, do not answer the phone call as possible, you may go outside to answer emergency ones to avoid disturbing the meeting and its efficiency; turn off the lights, projector and computers after the meeting; well balance the relationship between hospitality and thrift, grasp reasonable official reception standard, control the number of people to accompany meals, avoiding excessive people to accompany fewer guests, return the items, wine and tobacco timely.

Low carbon travel. Utilize electronic operation such as network, telephone and video to reduce unnecessary travel; expelling your car for one day per month will save you about 44 liters of fuel per year, equivalent to 98 kilograms of carbon dioxide emission reduction. So why not! To this end, try walking more and use public transport instead of driving your car; arranging reasonable carpool, encourage colleagues to carpool to reduce air pollution. Adhere to the principle of one travel with multiple stops to complete multiple tasks to reduce idle mileage; close the window when driving, otherwise will increase fuel consumption; use environment friendly low-emission car as possible while remember your bicycle for a travel within 10 km; extinguish the car for long-stay parking. If you are going to park for over 10 min, you should shut down the engine, because long-time idling will damage the engine and consume more fuel; do not arbitrarily change the size of tire. The wider the tire is, the greater the resistance will be, so unless extra driving force is a must, otherwise it will waste fuel; seriously maintain your engine. Exclude immediately upon discovery of any fault, otherwise it will decrease its power and economic efficiency causing fuel waste.